22/02/2006 13:39

Бог с Вами, я никогда не каталась и никаким образом не связана в своей жизни с фигурным катанием, вот плаванием долго занималась, но родители не отдали в большой спорт.
Я просто- фанат, и всё.Ну и патриот до мозга костей...

Вот , чтобы время до завтра скоротать, комментарии Салеи Пелетье по поводу вчерашней короткой

Sale: That was something else. Unbelievable show for her. All this hype and attention on her is for a reason. She just looks really great. The only flaw is that she didn't execute her combination jump with much speed. But she's powerful.

Pelletier: Very strong jumps. She's the most reliable skater in the competition. The flip was great. Her Biellmann spin is also a little bit better than her competitors' because she stretches it out. I would like to see a little bit more extension on her spirals.


Sale: Too bad for the combination because it was a perfect opportunity for her to be on top. Shehas a wonderful program and one of the best packages out here. She's probably one of the most graceful and aesthetically pleasing skaters. She's good at everything and she's got great knees.

Pelletier: Spiral sequence was splendid. She had great uses of her edges throughout the entire program. She just glides across the ice like a kite in the sky.



Sale: Unbelievable. That is probably one of the best short programs I've ever seen. From beginning to end it was first class, everything executed perfectly. I can't say more -- it was perfect.

Pelletier: She is aesthetically the most pleasing out here. She gets your attention from the starting position. She demands it from the start until the last note. Even the position in the camel spin was superior to everyone else's. Even able to keep the interpretation throughout the program -- better than anyone else. The best spiral sequence of the competition. The only thing that might have been subpar was the landing of her double Axel on a very tight curve. She actually scared me on the landing.